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Bengkel Mek Mulung
Bengkel Mek Mulung
DFP Muzikal: Mek Mulung Putera Cahaya Bulan
28 Julai 2024
Ahad, 9:00pg-1:00ptg
Sempena dengan DFP Muzikal: Mek Mulung Putera Cahaya Bulan, sertai bengkel pementasan Mek Mulung di bawah bimbingan jurulatih dan koreografer berpengalaman.
Peminat seni teater akan dapat mempelajari aspek asas teater warisan tradisional ini.
Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini!
In conjunction with the DFP Muzikal: Mek Mulung Putera Cahaya Bulan, come and join a Mek Mulung workshop under the guidance of experienced coaches and choreographers.
Theatre and arts fans will be able to learn the basic aspects of the traditional theatre.
Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
Limited to 30 participants only.
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